Monday, August 17, 2009

Some of my favourite moments .....

You know how JD and Max, Vodka, and my cousin Fatty and Ally like to do that mirror image thingy ? Well, check me and Daddy out. This is really, mirror image Sunday, and one of my favourite moments too. Hehe !!!

Me and Daddy .......... wonderful.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My fellow ..... siblings ........

Yupe. Mummy is an angel. Other than me, Mummy had also adopted tonnes of other animals when other irresponsible people throw them out on the streets.
This is Mindy, my annoying nephew that you guys had probably been introduced too.
Look at her. Her tougue is loooooonnnngg !!!!!
Then there is Mario.
Mummy rescued her from some pet shop 3 years ago. Mummy told me that Mario was places together with a whole cage of iguanas, and they were fighting for food. Mario was being scratched until her shell is all injured. See !!!! See those white patches on him ? Those are the residue from the medicine that Mummy applied on him.
This is Ong Lai.
Ong Lai in Hokkien means pineapple. Mummy say when she first say her, she looks like a squashed pineapple, so Mummy called her Ong Lai. Ong Lai is currently the longgest surviving pet with Mummy - 8 years !!! Ong Lai was rescued from a pet shop too.
This is Goldie.
Mom picked her up from a stormy night by the road site on 23 February 2009. She is yet another annoying sister. She always pretend that life outside the house is fun and happy and cool. Living out may be attractive, but one things for sure that I am getting she is not. I get to sleep with Mummy every single night. Hehehe !!!!!
This is the latest and youngest addition to the family - Sporty. His story is kinda long .....
Mummy finished work late on 9 July 2009 and when Papa send her home, she heard a kitten calling for help. Without hesitation, Mummy climbed into the wet slimmy drain to rescue Sporty. (Mummy was in her favourite pink cheongsam that day). After 30 minutes of effort, Sporty was rescued. According to Uncle Bacarrat, the guard that works at our house, there were 4 kittens all together that morning. It rained heavily and 3 was flushed away by the water in the drain. Thank God we found out subsequently that our neighbour's guard resuced 2 of the kittens. Unfortunately, 1 is missing and is no where to be found .....

Regardless of how many other pets that Mummy rescued, Mummy said that she will still love me most. Check me out. Who else is cuter than me ? Hehehehe !!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Its been quite a while .....

Recently, Mummy was trying to be funny. She put me in this little tight red shirt that reads "Dog 10". I am no dog. I am a cat. A siamese. Duh !

Mummy, get that camera away from me. That flash is hurting my eyes.

Ah ! Thats better.